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Friends First, Lovers Second

Writer's picture: sedonarosewritessedonarosewrites

Hey Rose Petals! Happy 2023! Here is the update on my babies Michelle & Anthony! I hope you enjoy!!

“Baby, come on, I gotta finish this assignment,” Michelle giggled, while I kept trying to kiss her neck. We were in her living area of her dorm room since she had the place to herself.

“You look too good to be left alone right now,” I told her, sneaking a kiss, anyway. She was wearing a graphic tee that she designed, some black and white shorts that barely covered her ass with her hair in a messy bun and her glasses. Even though it was simple, she looked simply beautiful to me.

We both have been going hard since school started, with both of our schedules. With the football season—which I killed as a freshman—was over, I excited to spend time with my Shelly.

Giggling, she smirked, “You look good too, baby,” she replied as she kissed me back.

I was wearing some black basketball shorts, a Dragon’s t-shirt, and my Nike slides.

“I’m surprised you’re not with Darnell right now. Y’all always jointed at the hip.”

“He went home with Vanessa this weekend.”

“Damn, V didn’t tell me that. She’s going to her sister’s baby shower and Darnell wanted to go to that?” She asked with a brow hiked.

Chuckling, “Yeah, you know that man is still on eggshells after what happened last semester.”

“As he should, that boy almost got jumped by me and Ryan.”

Thinking about what she was talking about, I had to just shake my head. Darnell cheated on Vanessa with Valencia. Valencia was a freshman like us, but she was already getting around with any athlete she could. She was close to getting me into her web of deceit, but thank goodness, Jarrell showed me the signs of what she would do to get me there. Michelle was it for me, even though I was young; deep in my soul, I knew she was going to be my wife.

It happened at one of the frat parties, Mike Mike, Rashad, Darnell, and I went to. We finished with mid-terms and wanted to have some fun. Granted me, Mike Mike wasn’t near drunk as Shad and Darnell were and we were still turnt. It was for one frat that I wanted to pledge for. My dad and Jarell were already members of the same chapter. I wanted to make a good impression. I even had a talk with the president of the chapter, and it went well.

Let’s just say D got very close to Valencia. They shared a kiss while dancing as Vanessa was walking up to surprise him. The look on Vanessa’s face was something I’ve never seen of her since knowing her. Shock, pissed, and disappointed all in one sitting. The next thing I knew, Vanessa knocked the hell out of Valencia to where her whole body flew. It became one big brawl as Valencia homegirls tried to jump Vanessa. Thank goodness that Michelle, Paige, and Ryan were there to finish it because they fuck all of them up. If it wasn’t for us pulling them off those girls, it would have gotten worse.

That was the biggest thing that happened to us since we’ve been here. No one was arrested or anything, but the campus stopped us from having parties for a few weeks after that. It felt like the whole campus was so upset with Darnell about what happened.

He and Vanessa were “that” couple, just as Michelle and I were. Everyone wanted them to win. D tried to do everything in his power to get back in good graces with Vanessa, but she wouldn’t budge.

“Well, I’m just glad he learned his lesson. Listening to her cry every night was too much too for me,” Michelle stated, closing her laptop, moving closer to me. I grabbed her waist so she could be closer to me and kissed the top of her head.

“Shit, she wasn’t the only one crying…” I muttered. Twisting her head, her eyes widened. I shook my head in confirmation.

“Yeah, I came in one night from the library and the music in his room was turned up loudly. Darnell Smith was listening to Drake.”

“Hold up, Take Clare Drake or More Life Drake?” She questioned.

“Take Care,” I replied.

Shaking her head, “Well damn. V wasn’t better either. She had Summer Walker’s “Session 32” on repeat. I wanted to take her phone and smash it like Brain and Stewie did with that record on that one Family Guy episode. Laughing at her comment, “I’m just glad they’re back together. We couldn’t even hang out as we used to without making it awkward.” Everyone on campus knew who we were because our crew was that well known.

“Facts, because you know they just built that new jumping place three blocks over, Paige and I wanted to plan a group date, but we didn’t know if it was going to be hella awkward or not.”

“Well, now y’all can.” I kissed her and she melted into my arms.

“Mmmm, I love you Ant. I just pray our relationship is stronger enough not to jeopardize anything that comes in our way,” kissing me back.

“Michelle, I love you too and I told you before; friends, then everything else will follow. You’re my best friend and I want to keep our foundation built on that.”

“And we will. I support you and you support me point blank.”

I smiled at her, “Exactly, baby. Now finish your homework. I’m going to take you out tonight.”

“Oh, we’re we are going?” she asked cheerfully.

“Dinner at Ms. Kayz then bowling.”

She gasped as a smile formed on her face as she kissed me deeply.

During the summer, we did weekly dates when we were in Jones Hills, and I made a promise to her and myself that we would keep doing that.

“Did I tell you that you’re the best boyfriend in the world?”

“And did I tell you that you’re the best girlfriend ever?”

She laughed. “You tell me all the time, Dr. Henderson.”

I kissed her on the lips once more before she opened her laptop back up went back to typing as I put her feet on my lap and watched TV.

Michelle Taylor Sweet-Williams was my one and only. And I knew for sure I would never break her heart.

Hope you enjoy the update! Michelle and Anthony are excelling in school and are still happily in love.


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